With Frames

3.55. Known IFS redirector driver limitations

The following is a list of known issues when using the IFS redirector driver:

  • Adobe Reader Protected Mode prevents saving PDF documents to AFS.

    In Acrobat Reader 9.3.2 Adobe added a new security feature "Protected Mode" which is enabled by default. Protected mode runs AcroRd32.exe in a sandbox and prevents undesirable network access. The release notes with all versions of Reader since 9.3.2 indicate that DFS and NFS network paths are inaccessible when Protected Mode is on.

  • Command Prompt .LNK files do not behave properly when stored within AFS

    • Custom properties will be ignored.

    • It is not possible to make changes to the LNK properties.

    These issues are the result of the Console Window Host process (conhost.exe) running outside the logon session's authentication group. While conhost.exe impersonates the Windows user, it does not impersonate a logon session process. As a result, it has no tokens and cannot access the LNK file.

  • The Windows File System Volume Query Quota Interface is not implemented. As a result, AFS quota information is not available to application processes or end users via Windows dialogs.

  • The Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service is not implemented. As a result, AFS backup volumes are not accessible via the Explorer Shell.

  • There is no support for storing DOS attributes such as Hidden, System, or Archive.

  • There is no support for Alternate Data Streams as required by Windows User Account Control to store Zone Identity data.

  • There is no support for Extended Attributes.

  • There is no support for Access Based Enumeration.

  • There is no support for Windows Management Instrumentation

  • There is no support for Distributed Link Tracking and Object Identifiers

  • There is no support for storing Windows Access Control Lists. Only the AFS ACLs are enforced.

  • There is a bug in the Explorer Shell which can result in the Shell responding to a Ctrl-V (Paste) operation with an out of space error. The bug is that the Shell queries the root directory of the UNC Path or Drive Letter for free space instead of the path in which the Paste is being performed. To work around the bug, select a directory in another volume under the same root and then return to the target directory before initiating the Paste. Performing the Paste using the Context Menu instead of Ctrl-V will avoid triggering the bug.

  • Windows file systems support a maximum of 31 reparse points (mount points or symbolic links) within a path.