OpenAFS distributed network file system
AFSCommanderPref Class Reference

Public Member Functions

(BOOL) - isUnlocked
(void) - mainViewDidLoad
(void) - willUnselect
(void) - didSelect
(id) - initWithBundle:
(void) - startTimer
(void) - stopTimer
(IBAction) - refreshConfiguration:
(void) - fillCacheParamView
(void) - updateCacheParamFromView
(IBAction) - showCellIP:
(IBAction) - addRemoveCell:
(IBAction) - addLink:
(IBAction) - removeLink:
(IBAction) - enableLink:
(IBAction) - saveConfiguration:
(IBAction) - saveCacheManagerParam:
(IBAction) - startStopAfs:
(IBAction) - info:
(IBAction) - tableDoubleAction:
(IBAction) - getNewToken:
(IBAction) - unlog:
(IBAction) - afsMenuActivationEvent:
(IBAction) - aklogSwitchEvent:
(IBAction) - credentialAtLoginTimeEvent:
(IBAction) - afsStartupSwitchEvent:
(IBAction) - krb5KredentialAtLoginTimeEvent:
(IBAction) - searchCellTextEvent:
(IBAction) - manageBackgrounderActivation:
(IBAction) - tableViewLinkPerformClick:
(IBAction) - enableDisableKrb5RenewCheck:
(IBAction) - krb5RenewParamChange:
(void) - credentialAtLoginTimeEventCreationLaunchAgentDir:returnCode:contextInfo:
(void) - clearCellServDBFiltering
(void) - filterCellServDB:
(DBCellElement *) - getCurrentCellInDB
(DBCellElement *) - getCellByIDX:
(void) - modifyCell:
(void) - modifyCellByIDX:
(void) - showMessage:
(void) - setAfsStatus
(void) - refreshTokens:
(void) - writePreferenceFile
(void) - readPreferenceFile
(void) - refreshGui:
(void) - refreshTokensNotify:
(void) - afsVolumeMountChange:
(void) - tabView:willSelectTabViewItem:
(id) - getTableTokensListValue:row:
(id) - getTableCelListValue:row:
(id) - getTableLinkValue:row:
(void) - tableViewCellmanageButtonState:
(void) - tableViewLinkmanageButtonState:

Protected Attributes

int prefStartUp
BOOL startAFSAtLogin
IBOutlet SFAuthorizationView * authView
IBOutlet NSView * afsCommanderView
IBOutlet NSSearchField * textSearchField
IBOutlet NSTextField * afsDefaultCellLabel
IBOutlet NSButton * tokensButton
IBOutlet NSButton * unlogButton
IBOutlet NSButton * aklogCredentialAtLoginTime
IBOutlet NSButton * installKRB5AuthAtLoginButton
IBOutlet NSButton * useAklogCheck
IBOutlet NSTextField * afsVersionLabel
IBOutlet NSButton * checkButtonAfsAtBootTime
IBOutlet NSTextField * textFieldDevInfoLabel
IBOutlet NSTextField * statCacheEntry
IBOutlet NSTextField * dCacheDim
IBOutlet NSTextField * cacheDimension
IBOutlet NSTextField * daemonNumber
IBOutlet NSTextField * afsRootMountPoint
IBOutlet NSTextField * nVolEntry
IBOutlet NSTextField * nsTextFieldKrb5RenewTimeD
IBOutlet NSTextField * nsTextFieldKrb5RenewTimeH
IBOutlet NSTextField * nsTextFieldKrb5RenewTimeM
IBOutlet NSTextField * nsTextFieldKrb5RenewTimeS
IBOutlet NSStepper * nsStepperKrb5RenewTimeD
IBOutlet NSStepper * nsStepperKrb5RenewTimeH
IBOutlet NSStepper * nsStepperKrb5RenewTimeM
IBOutlet NSStepper * nsStepperKrb5RenewTimeS
IBOutlet NSTextField * nsTextFieldKrb5SecToExpireDateForRenew
IBOutlet NSTextField * nsTextFieldKrb5RenewCheckIntervall
IBOutlet NSButton * nsButtonEnableDisableKrb5RenewCheck
IBOutlet NSButton * dynRoot
IBOutlet NSButton * afsDB
IBOutlet NSButton * verbose
IBOutlet NSButton * backgrounderActivationCheck
IBOutlet NSBox * groupsBox
IBOutlet NSButton * startStopButton
IBOutlet NSTableView * cellList
IBOutlet NSControl * cellIpButton
IBOutlet NSControl * addCellButton
IBOutlet NSControl * removeCellButton
IBOutlet NSControl * saveConfigurationButton
id labelSaveResult
IBOutlet NSTableView * tokensTable
IBOutlet NSControl * afsMenucheckBox
id ipConfigurationSheet
id ipConfControllerCommander
id credentialSheet
id credentialCommander
id infoSheet
id infoController
id lyncCreationSheet
IBOutlet LynkCreationControllerlynkCreationController
IBOutlet NSButton * checkEnableLink
IBOutlet NSButton * buttonAddLink
IBOutlet NSButton * buttonRemoveLink
IBOutlet NSTableView * tableViewLink
NSMutableDictionary * linkConfiguration
NSMutableArray * filteredCellDB
NSArray * tokenList
NSTimer * timerForCheckTokensList
NSLock * tokensLock

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