OpenAFS distributed network file system
tag_afs_msg_resolve_token_v1 Struct Reference

Message structure for AFS_MSG_RESOLVE_TOKEN. More...

#include <afspext.h>

Data Fields

khm_size cbsize
 Size of the structure.
const wchar_t * cell
 Specifies the cell that the token belongs to.
struct ktc_tokentoken
 The token.
struct ktc_principal * serverp
 Server principal.
struct ktc_principal * clientp
 Client principal.
khm_handle ident
 [OUT] If the extension successfully resolves the identity, then it should assign a handle to the identity to this field and return ::KHM_ERROR_SUCCESS.
afs_tk_method method
 [OUT] If the extension successfully resolves the identity, it should also assign the token acquisition method identifier to this field.

Detailed Description

Message structure for AFS_MSG_RESOLVE_TOKEN.

Other than the fields marked as [OUT], all other fields should be considered read-only and should not be modified.

See also:

Field Documentation

khm_size cbsize

Size of the structure.

This will be set to sizeof(::afs_msg_resolve_token).

const wchar_t* cell

Specifies the cell that the token belongs to.

khm_handle ident

[OUT] If the extension successfully resolves the identity, then it should assign a handle to the identity to this field and return ::KHM_ERROR_SUCCESS.

The handle will be automatically freed by the AFS plugin.

[OUT] If the extension successfully resolves the identity, it should also assign the token acquisition method identifier to this field.

The default method is AFS_TOKEN_AUTO. This field indicates the token acquisition method that was used to obtain the token and is used when the token needs to be renewed.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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